The pronunciations indicated in the following index are in many cases, at best, mere approximations, and in some cases the pronunciation of the Old Norse is itself more or less conjectural. For the sake of clarity it has seemed advisable to keep the number of phonetic symbols as small as possible, even though the result is occasional failure to distinguish between closely related sounds. In every in stance the object has been to provide the reader with a clearly comprehensible and approximately correct pronunciation, for which reason, particularly in such matters as division of syllables, etymology has frequently been disregarded for the sake of phonetic clearness. For example, when a root syllable ends in a long (double) consonant, the division has arbitrarily been made so as to indicate the sounding of both elements (e. g., Am-ma, not Amm-a).
As many proper names occur in the notes but not in the text, and as frequently the more important incidents connected with the names are outlined in notes which would not be indicated by textual references alone, the page numbers include all appearances of proper names in the notes as well as in the text.
The following general rules govern the application of the phonetic symbols used in the index, and also indicate the approximate pronunciation of the unmarked vowels and consonants.
VOWELS. The vowels are pronounced approximately as follows:
a -- as in "alone" |
o -- as in "on" |
â -- as in "father" |
ô -- as in "old" |
e -- as in "men" |
ö -- as in German "öffnen" |
ê -- as a in "fate" |
ö -- as in German "schön" |
i -- as in "is" |
ö -- as aw in "law" |
î -- as in "machine" |
u -- as ou in "would" |
{p. 558}
û -- as ou in "wound" |
ei -- as ey in "they" |
y -- as i in "is" * |
ey -- as in "they" |
ÿ -- as ee in "free" * |
au -- as ou in "out" |
æ -- as e in "men" |
ai -- as i in "fine" |
æ -- as a in "fate" |
* Both with a slight sound of German ü.
No attempt has been made to differentiate between the short open "o" and the short closed "o," which for speakers of English closely resemble one another.
CONSONANTS. The consonants are pronounced approximately as in English, with the following special points to be noted:
G is always hard, as in "get," never soft, as in "gem;" following "n" it has the same sound as in "sing."
J is pronounced as y in "young."
Th following a vowel is soft, as in "with;" at the beginning of a word or following a consonant it is hard, as in "thin."
The long (doubled) consonants should be pronounced as in Italian, both elements being distinctly sounded; e. g., "Am-ma."
S is always hard, as in "so," "this," never soft, as in "as."
H enters into combinations with various following consonants; with "v" the sound is approximately that of wh in "what"; with "l" "r" and "n" it produces sounds which have no exact English equivalents, but which can be approximated by pronouncing the consonants with a marked initial breathing.
ACCENTS. The accented syllable in each name is indicated by the acute accent ('). In many names, however, and particularly in compounds, there is both a primary and a secondary, accent, and where this is the case the primary, stress is indicated by a double acute accent ('') and the secondary one by a single acute accent ('). To avoid possible confusion with the long vowel marks used in Old Norse texts, the accents are placed, not over the vowels, but after the accented syllables.
{p. 559}
Æg'-ir, the sea-god, 102, 132, 139-141, 150-154, 156-158, 161, 172,
199, 280, 299. 300, 314, 324, 359.
Æk'-in, a river, 95.
Grandfather, 204, 207.
Ag'-nar, a warrior, 390, 444,
Ag'-nar, brother of Geirröth, 85, 86.
Ag'-nar, son of
Geirröth, 84, 87, 88, 106.
Âi, a dwarf, 6, 8.
Great-Grandfather, 204.
Alf, a dwarf, 8.
Alf, husband of
Hjordis, 335, 336, 359, 375, 454.
Alf, slayer of Helgi, 286, 288,
289, 331.
Alf, son of Dag, 223, 454.
Alf, son of Hring,
Alf, son of Hunding, 295, 316, 317.
Alf, son of Ulf,
Alf'-heim, home of the elves, 3, 88, 186.
Alf'-hild, wife
of Hjorvarth, 272, 273.
Alf'-roth-ul, the sun,
Al'-grön, an island, 127.
Âl'-i, a warrior,
Alm'-veig, wife of Halfdan, 222.
Â'-lof, daughter of
Franmar, 273, 275, 276.
Al'-svith, a giant, 62.
Al'-svith, a
horse, 99, 100, 394.
Al'-thjöf, a dwarf, 6.
Al'-vald-i, a
giant, 128.
Al'-vis, a dwarf, 183-193.
the Ballad of Alvis, 68, 109, 183-194, 252, 283, 546.
Âm, son of
Dag, 223.
Am'-bött, daughter of Thræll, 207.
Grandmother, 204, 207, 208.
Ân, a dwarf, 6.
a cook, 92.
And''-var-a-naut', a ring, 114, 361,
And'-var-i, a dwarf, 8, 114, 260, 343, 357-361, 417, 426, 448,
An'-gan-tÿr, a berserker, 225.
An'-gan-tÿr, a warrior,
218, 220, 232.
Ang'-eyj-a, mother of Heimdall, 229.
a giantess, 17, 21, 146, 196, 230, 231.
Arf'-i, son of Jarl,
Ar''-in-nef'-ja, daughter of Thræll, 207.
Arn'-grîm, father
of the berserkers, 225.
{p. 560}
Âr'-vak, a horse, 99, 100, 394.
As''-a-thôr', Thor,
As'-garth, home of the gods, 3. 11, 12, 141, 179, 186.
Ash, 8.
Âs'-laug, daughter of Brynhild, 353, 404,
Âs'-mund, a giant (?), 104.
Ath'-al, son of Jarl,
At'-la, mother of Heimdall, 229.
At''-la-kvith'-a, the Lay
of Atli, 165, 255, 306, 421, 448, 463, 476, 480-501, 515, 520, 522, 530,
At''-la-môl', the Ballad of Atli, 448, 449, 463, 480-482,
485, 487, 491, 494, 498-535, 538, 540, 545, 548.
At'-li, Attila, 8,
121, 290, 339, 346, 361, 406, 418, 419, 422, 430-432, 436-438, 447-451, 456-459,
461-466, 468-470, 472-478, 480-485, 487-489, 491-502, 504, 506, 507, 513, 514,
516-520, 522-538, 541, 546-548.
At'-li, son of Hring, 306.
son of Ithmund, 271, 273-276, 278-281, 283, 284.
Othin, 104.
Aur'-both-a, a giantess, 109, 228.
Mengloth's handmaid, 249.
Aur'-gelm-ir, Ymir, 76.
a dwarf, 7.
Austr'-i, a dwarf, 6.
Auth, mother of Harald
Battle-Tooth, 227.
Auth'-a, sister of Agnar, 390, 444,
Auth'-i, son of Halfdan the Old, 221, 495.
Baldr, a god, 1, 2, 14-16, 22, 25, 82, 83, 90, 91, 114, 161, 172,
195-199, 218, 227, 228, 236, 245, 360.
Baldrs Draurnar, Baldr's
Dreams, 15, 19, 114, 174, 178, 195-200, 236.
Bâl'-eyg, Othin,
Bar'-i, a dwarf, 247.
Barn, son of Jarl,
Bar'-ri, a berserker, 225.
Bar'-ri, a forest, ixg,
Beit'-i, Atli's steward, 520.
Bekk'-hild, sister of
Brynhild, 345, 346.
Bel'-i, a giant, 22, 110, 112.
Kostbera, 449, 510, 511, 517.
Ber'-gel-mir, a giant, 76,
Best'-la, Othin's mother, 4, 61, 160.
Beyl'-a, servant of
Freyr, 152, 153, 169.
Bif'-lind-i, Othin, 104.
the rainbow bridge, 22, 90, 96, 102, 136, 329, 376.
Bî'-fur, a
dwarf, 6.
Bik'-ki, follower of Jormunrek, 439, 487, 488, 538,
Bîl'-eyg, Othin, 103.
{p. 561}
Bil'-ling, a giant (?), 28, 46, 48.
Bil'-rost, the rainbow
bridge, 102, 376.
Bil'-skirn-ir, Thor's dwelling, 88,
Bjort, Mengloth's handmaid, 249.
Blâin, Ymir (?),
Bleik, Mengloth's handmaid, 249.
Blind, follower of
Hunding, 312.
Blîth, Mengloth's handmaid, 249.
Bod'-di, son
of Karl, 209.
Bô'-fur, a dwarf, 6.
Bolm, an
island, 225.
Bol'-thorn, Othin's grandfather, 4, 61.
Othin, 50, 52, 103.
Bom'-bur, a dwarf, 6.
Bond'-i, son of
Karl, 209.
Borg'-ar, brother of Borghild (?), 334.
mother of Helgi, 270, 291, 293, 310, 333-335.
Borg'-nÿ, daughter of
Heithrek, 469-473, 479.
Both'-vild, daughter of Nithuth, 254, 258,
260, 261, 263, 265-268.
Brag'-a-lund, a forest, 314.
Brag'-i, a
god, 102, 152, 155-158, 228, 314, 394.
Brag'-i, brother of Sigrun,
318, 319.
Brag'-i Bod'-da-son, a skald, 102.
birthplace of Helgi, 291, 292, 310.
Brâm'-i, a berserker,
Brand'-ey, an island, 297.
Bratt'-skegg, son of Karl,
Brâ'-voll, a field, 303.
Breith, son of Karl,
Breith'-a-blik, Baldr's home, 90.
Brim'-ir, a giant, 6,
16, 17, 394.
Brim'-ir, a sword, 102.
Bris'-ings, the dwarfs,
159, 177-179, 236.
Brodd, follower of Hrolf, 224.
Brot af
Sig''-urth-ar-kvith'-u, Fragment of a Sigurth Lay, 155, 370, 402-412,
420, 421, 427-429, 448, 450-452, 486, 493, 515, 539, 542,
Brun''-a-vâg'-ar, a harbor, 313, 314.
Brûth, daughter of
Karl, 210.
Bryn'-hild, wife of Gunnar, 14, 226, 234, 270, 296,
339, 344-347, 349-353, 362, 370, 371, 383-388, 391, 396, 397, 400, 403-408, 412,
417-419, 421-425, 427, 429-438, 442-448, 457, 459, 460, 469, 470, 474-476, 481,
484, 511, 516, 518, 532, 537, 543.
Bû'-i, a berserker, 225.
son of Karl, 209.
Bund''-in-skeg'-gi, son of Karl, 209.
{p. 562}
Bur, father of Othin, 4, 160, 228.
Bur, son of Jarl,
Buth'-Ii, father of Atli, 296, 339, 344, 346, 347, 371, 385, 388,
405, 406, 408, 417-419, 425, 429, 430, 432, 437, 441, 443, 459, 466, 474, 485,
487, 488, 498, 512, 518, 521, 525, 530, 532.
Buth'-lungs, descendants of
Buthli, 498.
Bygg'-vir, Freyr's servant, 152, 153, 165, 166,
Bÿ'-leist (or Bÿ'-leipt), brother of Loki, 22, 230.
Dag, a god (Day), 66, 75, 192
Dag, brother of Sigrun, 310,
318, 319, 323, 324, 331.
Dag, husband of Thora, 223, 454.
a dwarf, 6, 220.
Dâin, a hart, 98.
Dâin, an elf,
Dan, a king, 216.
Dan'-a, daughter of Danp,
Danp, a king, 216, 484.
Del'-ling, father of Day, 66,
75, 247.
Digr'-ald-i, son of Thræll, 206.
Delling, 75.
Dög'-lings, descendants of Dag,
Dolg'-thras-ir, a dwarf, 7.
Dôr'-i, a dwarf, 8,
Drâp Nifl'-ung-a, the Slaying of the Niflungs, 408, 438, 447-449,
461, 472, 477, 481, 482, 485, 489, 494, 501, 539, 543.
Draup'-nir, a
dwarf, 7.
Draup'-nir, a ring, 114, 360.
Dreng, son of
Karl, 209.
Drott, son of Thræll, 206.
Drumb, son of
Thræll, 206.
Drumb'-a, daughter of Thræll, 207.
Dûf, a
dwarf, 8.
Dun'-eyr, a hart, 98.
Dur'-in, a dwarf,
Dval'-in, a dwarf, 6, 7, 62, 188, 375.
Dval'-in, a hart,
Dyr'-a-thrôr, a hart, 98.
Ed'-da, Great-Grandmother, 204, 205.
Egg'-thêr, the giants'
watchman, 18.
Eg'-il, brother of Völund, 254-257, 265,
Eg'-il, father of Thjalfi (?), 141.
Eg''-ils-sag'-a, the
Saga of Egil, 139.
Eik''-in-skjald'-i, a dwarf, 7,
Eik''-in-tjas'-na, daughter of Thræll, 207.
Eik'-thyrn-ir, a
hart, 94.
Eir, Mengloth's handmaid, 248, 249.
mother of Heimdall, 229.
Eit'-il, son of Atli, 44.8, 461,
{p. 563}
482, 495-498, 525, 540, 541, 548.
Eld'-hrim-nir, a kettle,
Eld'-ir, Ægir's servant, 153, 154.
El''-i-vâg'-ar, the Milky
Way (?), 76, 140.
Emb'-la, Elm, 8.
Ern'-a, Wife of Jarl,
213, 214.
Erp, son of Atli, 448, 461, 482, 495-498, 525, 540, 541,
Erp, son of Jonak, 361, 439, 538, 540, 546, 548, 550,
Ey'-fur-a, mother of the berserkers, 225.
Eyj'-olf, son of
Hunding, 295, 316, 317.
Ey'-lim-i, father of Hjordis, 226, 270,
295, 335, 336, 340, 341, 363, 365.
Ey'-lim-i, father of Svava, 277,
284, 285, 287, 335.
Ey'-môth, Atli's emissary, 456, 457.
king of Holmgarth, 222.
Eyr'-gjaf-a, mother of Heimdall,
Fâf'-nir, brother of Regin, 226, 260, 273, 339, 345, 357, 359,
361-365, 369-383, 385, 412, 421, 431, 445, 448, 475, 476,
Fâf''-nis-môl', the Ballad of Fafnir, 6, 7, 125, 151, 188,
215, 226, 273, 343, 344, 356, 357, 365, 369-388, 390, 402, 411, 417, 445, 450,
474, 476, 509.
Fal'-hôfn-ir, a horse, 96.
Far'-baut-i, father of
Loki, 157, 168.
Farm'-a-tÿr, Othin, 104.
Father, 204, 210.
Feim'-a, daughter of Karl, 210.
Othin, 366.
Fen'-ja, a giantess, 436.
Fenr'-ir, a
wolf, 17-23, 81-83, 91, 93, 100, 140, 146, 152, 164, 165, 170, 196,
Fen'-sal-ir, Frigg's hall, 15.
Fil'-i, a dwarf,
Fim'-a-feng, Ægir's servant, 152, 153.
Fim'-bul-thul, a
river, 95.
Fith, a dwarf, 8.
Fit'-jung, Earth, 43,
Fjal'-ar, a cock, 18, 19, 243.
Fjal'-ar, a dwarf,
Fjal'-ar, Suttung (?), 32.
Fjal'-ar, Utgartha-Loki,
Fjol'-kald, Svifidag's grandfather, 240.
Othin, 103, 366.
Fjol''-svinns-môl' the Ballad of
Fjolsvith, 234, 239-251.
Fjol'-svith, Mengloth's watchman, 234,
Fjol'-svith, Othin, 103.
Fjol'-var, a giant (?),
Fjôn, an island, 455.
Fjorg'-yn, Jorth, 23, 24;
{p. 564}
Fjorg'-yn, Othin, 24, 160.
Fjorm, a river, 95.
Gunnar's cupbearer, 486.
Fjors'-ungs, the fishes (?),
Fjôsn'-ir, son of Thræll, 206.
Fjot'-ur-lund, a forest,
Fljôth, daughter of Karl, 210.
Folk'-vang, Freyja's
home, 90, 175.
For'-set-i, a god, 91,
Fôst''-brœth-ra-sag'-a, the Saga of the Foster-Brothers,
Frâ Dauth'-a Sinf'-jotl-a, Of Sinfjotli's Death, 270, 293, 295,
302, 332-337, 340, 342, 356, 357, 359, 365, 368, 374, 386, 388, 421, 454,
Fræg, a dwarf, 7.
Frân'-ang, a waterfall, 172,
Frân'-mar, Sigrlin's foster father, 273, 275.
Frâr, a
dwarf, 7.
Frath'-mar, son of Dag, 223.
Frek'-a-stein, a
battlefield, 287, 288, 304, 307, 318, 319, 322.
Frek'-i, a Wolf,
92, 295.
Frek'-i, son of Dag, 223.
Frey'-ja, a goddess,
10-12, 22, 90, 91, 102, 108, 128, 152, 157-159, 161-163, 175-177, 180, 181,
217-220, 231-233, 236, 472.
Freyr, a god, 10, 22, 88, 91, 101,
107-110, 112-115, 117, 119, 120, 152, 161-166, 169, 175, 220, 228, 284, 308,
Fri'-aut, daughter of Hildigun, 222, 223.
Frigg, a
goddess, 14, 15, 22, 68, 29, 86, 89, 91, 151, 152, 157-161, 182, 196, 236,
248, 472.
Frith, Mengloth's handmaid, 249.
Frost'-i, a
dwarf, 8.
Frôth'-i, a Danish king, 294, 295, 436.
father of Hledis, 222.
Frôth'-i, father of Kari (?),
Ful'-la, Frigg's handmaid, 86.
Ful'-nir, son of Thrall,
Fund'-in, a dwarf, 7.
Gagn'-râth, Othin, 68, 70-72.
Gand'-alf, a dwarf,
Gang, brother of Thjazi, 128.
Gang'-ler-i, King Gylfi,
Gang'-ler-i, Othin, 103.
Garm, a hound, 19, 21, 24, 102,
140, 196.
Gast'-ropn-ir, Mengloth's dwelling, 242.
Othin, 105.
Gef'-jun, a goddess, 157-159.
kinsman of Atli, 478.
Geir'-on-ul, a Valkyrie,
Geir'-röth, a king, 84-87, 104-106.
Geir'-skog-ul, a
Valkyrie, 14.
Geir'-vim-ul, a river, 95.
{p. 565}
Geit'-ir, Gripir's servant, 340-342.
Ger'-i, a hound,
Ger'-i, a wolf, 92, 295.
Gerth, daughter of Gymir, 109,
111-115, 119, 120, 152, 165, 228.
Gîf, a hound, 244.
Gim'-lê, a
mountain, 26.
Gin'-nar, a dwarf, 8.
Yawning Gap, 4, 77.
Gip'-ul, a river, 95.
Gîsl, a
horse, 96.
Gjaf'-laug, Gjuki's sister, 413.
Heimdall's horn, 12, 20.
Gjol, a river, 95.
Gjolp, mother
of Heimdall, 229.
Gjûk'-i, father of Gunnar, 226, 343, 344, 348,
352-354, 362, 383, 403, 406, 407, 410, 411, 413, 415-418, 421-423, 426, 429,
444, 446-448, 451, 452, 459, 462, 466, 470, 476, 477, 480, 482, 499, 500, 509,
516, 517, 529, 535, 541, 542, 546, 552, 553.
Gjûk'-i, son of Hogni,
Gjûk'-ungs, Gjuki's sons, 344, 383, 388, 403, 408, 421, 426, 431,
446, 448, 449, 451, 456, 457, 476, 477, 483, 484, 500, 501.
Othin, 103.
Glas'-ir, a forest, 274.
Glath, a horse,
Glaths'-heim, Othin's dwelling, 89.
Glaum, Atli's horse,
Glaum'-vor, wife of Gunnar, 448, 500, 502, 507, 508, 510,
Gleip'-nir, a chain, 17.
Gler, a horse,
Glit'-nîr, Forseti's dwelling, 91.
Glô'-in, a dwarf,
Gnip''-a-hel'-lir, a cave, 19, 21, 24.
Gnip'-a-lund, a
forest, 300, 301, 303, 306.
Gnit'-a-heith, Fafnir's mountain, 343,
365, 371, 484.
Gô'-in, a serpent, 98.
Gol, a Valkyrie,
Gol''-lin-kamb'-i, a cock, 19, 243, 329.
Goll'-nir, a giant
(?), 303.
Goll'-rond, daughter of Gjuki, 414-416,
Goll'-topp, a horse, 96, 97.
Goll'-veig, a Wane,
Gom'-ul, a river, 95.
Gond'-lir, Othin, 104
a Valkyrie, 14.
Gop'-ul, a river, 95.
Gorm (the Old),
King of Denmark, 201, 202.
Goth'-mund, son of Granmar, 290,
300-305, 309, 316-318, 321, 322, 332.
Got'-thorm, slayer of
{p. 566}
226, 350, 354, 361, 405, 410, 426-428, 453, 533.
Grâ'-bak, a
serpent, 98.
Graf'-vit-nir, a serpent, 98.
Graf'-vol-luth, a
serpent, 98.
Gram, Sigurth's sword, 351, 365, 378, 427,
Gran'-i, Sigurth's horse, 259, 260, 303, 342, 344, 350, 358, 359,
385, 395, 403, 406, 417, 431, 432, 445, 446, 452, 476.
Gran'-mar, father
of Hothbrodd, 291, 296, 300, 304, 308, 316-322, 332.
Greip, mother of
Heimdall, 229.
Gret'-tir, a hero, 64.
Gret''-tis-sag'-a, the
Saga of Grettir, 129.
Grîm, follower of Hrolf, 224.
Othin, 103.
Grîm'-hild, wife of Gjuki, 226, 349, 350, 354, 403,
405, 436, 448, 455-457, 459-461, 474, 519, 524, 526.
Grîm'-nir, Othin,
84, 86, 87, 103, 104.
Grim''-nis-môl, the Ballad of Grimnir, 4,
5, 9, 12, 14, 17-20, 62, 68, 75, 84-108, 122, 130, 136, 138, 139, 152, 175, 179,
180, 196, 203, 221, 230, 234, 237, 253, 302, 303, 323, 329, 366, 376, 378, 384,
394, 472, 487, 494.
Grip'-ir, Sigurth's uncle, 337,
Grip''-is-spô', Gripir's Prophecy, 14, 87, 226,
336-359, 365, 371, 383, 386, 388, 403, 404, 406, 409, 412, 417, 418, 421, 422,
429, 440-442, 446, 447, 450, 451, 456, 469, 481, 484, 499, 518, 536.
mother of Svipdag, 234-236, 238.
Grôth, a river,
Grot''-ta-songr', the Song of Grotti, 436.
Grot'-ti, a
mill, 436.
Grô''-u-galdr', Groa's Spell, 234-239.
a horse, 126.
Gull''-in-tan'-ni, Heimdall, 97.
a spear, 101, 395.
Gun'-nar, brother of Borghild (?),
Gun'-nar, follower of Hrolf, 224.
Gun'-nar, son of
Gjuki, 8, 226, 339, 343, 349-354, 361, 383, 403-405, 407-409, 414, 417-419,
421-424, 426, 427, 429-434, 436-38, 442, 447-449, 453, 456, 457, 459-461, 467,
469, 470, 473-479, 482-486, 488-494, 497-500, 502, 507-509, 513, 517-519, 521,
522, 532, 533, 539, 541, 543, 546-548.
Gunn'-loth, daughter of
Suttung, 28, 32, 50-52.
Gunn'-thor-in, a river, 95.
a river, 95.
{p. 567}
Gust, Andvari (?), 357, 361.
Guth, a Valkyrie, 14,
Guth'-rûn, wife of Sigurth, 226, 339, 343, 344, 349, 352-354,
383, 388, 403-407, 410-417, 419, 421-424, 428, 429, 433, 436-439, 442, 446-451,
453, 455-457, 459-466, 468, 470, 477, 480, 482, 485, 493-501, 513, 515, 516,
518, 519, 522-544, 546-550, 552.
Guth''-rûn-ar-hvot', Guthrun's
Inciting, 226, 410, 411, 439, 447, 450, 497, 535-547, 549, 551,
Guth''-rûn-ar-kvith'-a I (en-Fyrst'-a), the First Lay of Guthrun,
4, 293, 325, 402, 409, 411-420, 422, 423, 426, 429, 430, 450, 452-454, 475,
Guth''-rûn-ar-kvith'-a II (On'-nur, en Forn'-a), the Second (Old) Lay
of Guthrun, 230, 255, 325, 407, 410-412, 416, 419, 450-465, 467, 476, 493,
495, 496, 501, 505.
Guth''-rûn-ar-kvith'-a III (Thrith'-ja), the Third Lay
of Guthrun, 450, 451, 465-469, 517.
Gylf''-a-gin'-ning, the Deceiving
of Gylfi, 120, 228, 229, 231, 248, 370.
Gyl'-lir, a horse,
Gym'-ir, Ægir, 151.
Gym'-ir, a giant, 109, 111, 112,
114, 165, 228.
Gyrth, son of Dag, 223.
Had'-ding, a Danish king, 311, 458.
Haddings'-Hero (Helgi), 311, 330, 331.
Had'-dings, berserkers,
Hæm'-ing, son of Hunding, 311.
Hag'-al, Helgi's
foster-father, 310-312.
Hak'-i, son of Hvethna, 227.
son of Karl, 209.
Hâlf, King of Horthaland, 222,
Half'-dan, father of Kara, 316, 330.
Half'-dan (the Old), a
Danish king, 221-225, 227, 269, 307, 308, 364, 454.
Hâlfs'-sag-a, the
Saga of Half, 222, 223.
Ham'-al, son of Hagal, 311,
Ham'-thêr, son of Jonak, 361, 439, 4471 536-541, 545-550,
Ham''-thês-môl', the Ballad of Hamther, 226, 410, 439,
447, 450, 488, 536-540, 545-555.
Ha'-mund, son of Sigmund, 293,
Han'-nar, a dwarf, 7.
Hâr, Othin, 94, 103.
{p. 568}
Har'-ald (Battle-Tooth), son of Hrörek, 227.
Har'-ald (Blue-Tooth),
King of Denmark, 201, 202.
Hâr'-barth, Othin, 104, 121, 122,
Hâr''-barths-ljôth', the Poem of Harbarth, 12, 24, 104,
121-140, 142, 143, 152, 167, 168, 170, 171, 174, 175, 185, 195, 228, 314, 394,
443, 478, 480.
Hat'-a-fjord, a fjord, 278.
Hat'-i, a giant,
278, 280, 281.
Hat'-i, a wolf, 18, 100.
Haug'-spor-i, a
dwarf, 7.
Heer'-fath-er, Othin, 13, 14, 69, 92, 94, 218,
Heim'-dall, a god, 3, 12, 18, 20, 90, 97, 115, 166, 167, 178,
202, 203, 213, 228-230.
Heim'-ir, Brynhild's foster-father, 345-348,
350, 351, 353, 403, 404, 445.
Heith, daughter of Hrimnir,
Heith, Gollweg (?), 10.
Heith'-draup-nir, Mimir (?),
393, 394.
Heith'-rek, father of Borgny, 470.
Heith'-rûn, a
goat, 94, 232.
Hel, goddess of the dead, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 93,
95, 97, 115, 118, 146, 196, 231, 237, 245, 377, 441-443, 518,
Hel'-blind-i, Othin, 103.
Hjor''-varths-son'-ar, the Lay of Helgi the Son of Hjorvarth, 14, 189,
269-290, 292, 293, 295, 298, 300, 302, 304, 309, 313, 318, 332, 358, 359, 371,
Helg''-a-kvith'-a Hund''-ings ban'-a I (en Fyr'-ri), the First Lay of
Helgi Hundingsbane, 14, 160, 215, 221, 273, 276, 281, 287, 290-308, 310,
311, 313, 316-319, 321, 322, 328, 358, 364-366, 428, 524.
Hund''-ings ban'-a II (On'-nur), the Second Lay of Helgi Hundingsbane,
95, 272, 288, 289, 294, 296, 298, 306, 309-331, 366, 418, 434, 466,
Helg'-i (Had''-ding-ja-skat'-i), Helgi the Haddings-Hero, 311,
330, 331.
Helg'-i, Hialmgunnar (?), 344, 345.
Helg'-i, son of
Hjorvarth, 269-272, 276-289, 310, 311, 330, 331, 335.
Helg'-i, son of
Sigmund, 221, 269, 270, 276, 289-301, 304, 306-336, 339, 340, 357, 358,
364-366, 368, 371, 446.
Hel'-reith Bryn'-hild-ar, Brynhild's
Hell-Ride, 129, 255, 345, 346, 353, 387, 388, 390, 442-447, 450,
Hept''-i-fil'-i, a dwarf, 7.
Her'-borg, queen of the
Huns, 411, 413, 414.
{p. 569}
Her'-fjot-ur, a Valkyrie, 99.
Her'-jan, Othin, 14, 103,
Herk'-ja, Atli's servant, 465, 466, 468.
Her'-môth, son of
Othin, 218.
Hers'-ir, father of Erna, 213.
Othin, 103.
Her''-var-ar-sag'-a, the Saga of Hervor, 366,
Her'-varth, a berserker, 225.
Her'-varth, son of
Hunding, 316, 317.
Her'-vor, a swan-maiden, 254-256,
Heth'-in, brother of Helgi, 271-273, 284-286, 288,
Heth'-ins-ey, an island, 297.
Hild, a Valkyrie, 14,
Hild, Brynhild, 444, 511.
Hild, mother of King Half,
223, 224.
Hild-i-gun, daughter of Sækonung, 222,
Hild''-i-svîn'-i, a boar, 220.
Hild-olf, a warrior,
Him'-in-bjorg, Heimdall's dwelling, 90.
Heaven's Field, 293.
Hind-ar-fjoll, Brynhild's mountain, 383,
384, 388, 445.
Hjal'-li, Atli's cook, 491, 492, 520,
Hjalm'-ar, a warrior, 225.
Hjalm'-ber-i, Othin,
Hjalm'-gun-nar, a Gothic king, 345, 390, 445.
father of Alf, 335, 336, 358, 359, 365, 369, 454.
Hjor'-dîs, mother
of Sigurth, 226, 270, 277, 293, 333, 335, 336, 340, 341, 368, 374,
Hjor'-leif, father of King Half, 223.
Hjor'-leif, followier
of Helgi, 298.
Hjor'-varth, a berserker, 225.
father of Helgi, 269-274, 276-278, 284, 287, 289, 331.
father of Hvethna, 227.
Hjor'-varth, son of Hunding, 273, 295,
316, 317, 368.
Hlath'-guth, a swan-maiden, 254-256.
a giant, 128.
Hlê'-bjorg, a mountain, 319, 320.
mother of Ottar, 222.
Hlêr, Ægir, 132, 152.
Hlês'-ey, an
island, 132, 139, 314, 478.
Hlê-vang, a dwarf, 7.
Mengloth's handmaid, 248.
Hlîf-thras-a, Mengloth's handmaid,
Hlîn, Frigg, 22.
Hlîth'-skjolf, Othin's seat, 86, 88,
107, 108, 430, 487.
Hlokk, a Valkyrie, 99.
Thor, 135, 140,
{p. 570}
143, 147, 149, 169, 176, 178, 182.
Hloth'-varth, follower of Helgi,
Hloth'-vêr, a Frankish king, 459.
Hloth'-vêr, father of
Htrvor, 254-256, 259.
Hloth'-yn, Jorth, 23.
Brynhild's home, 444.
Hnifl'-ung, son of Hogni, 498, 515,
Hnifl'-ungs, the people of Gjuki (Nibelungs), 291,
Hnik'-ar, Othin, 103, 357, 366, 367.
Hnik'-uth, Othin,
103, 104.
Hô'-alf, a Danish king, 437, 454.
King Half of Horthaland, 223, 224.
Hô'-brôk, a hawk,
Hodd'-mim-ir, Mimir, 80.
Hodd'-rof-nir, Mimir (?), 393,
Hog'-ni, brother of Sigar, 312, 313.
Hog'-ni, father of
Sigrun, 296, 306, 308, 312, 313, 316-319, 323, 328, 329.
Hog'-ni, son
of Gjuki, 226, 343, 350, 354, 361, 404-406, 421, 425-427, 429, 431, 434,
447-449, 453, 456, 457, 459-461, 467, 469, 472, 476, 477, 482, 484-487, 490-93,
498-500, 502-506, 509, 511, 512, 514, 515, 517-521, 523, 529-533, 539, 541, 543,
Hôk'-on, father of Thora, 419, 454, 455.
Hol, a
river, 95.
Holm'-garth, Russia, 222.
Holth, son of Karl,
Hön'-ir, a god, 8, 20, 25, 162, 358, 359,
Hôr, a dwarf, 7.
Hôr, Othin, 10, 51-53,
60, 103.
Horn; a river, 237.
Horn'-bor-i, a dwarf,
Horth'-a-land, Half's kingdom, 222, 223.
Hörv'-ir, follower
of Hrolf, 224.
Hos'-vir, son of Thræll, 206.
Hoth, slayer of
Baldr, 15, 25, 161, 198, 228.
Hoth'-brodd, son of Granmar, 269,
270, 291, 296, 297, 301, 304-306, 309, 316, 317, 319, 321,
Hô'-tûn, Helgi's home, 293,
Hôv''-a-môl'- the Ballad of the High One, 4, 28-68,
71, 75, 112, 117, 130, 188, 193, 205, 215, 236, 237, 247, 357, 367, 368, 379,
387, 393, 397.
Hô'-varth, son of Hunding,
Hræ'-svelg, an eagle, 21, 78, 115.
Hran'-i, a
berserker, 225.
{p. 571}
Hrauth'-ung, ancestor of Hjordis, 226.
Hrauth'-ung, father of
Geirröth, 85.
Hreim, son of Thrall, 206.
Hreith'-mar, father
of Regin, 79, 357-359, 361-363.
Hrim'-fax-i, a horse,
Hrim'-gerth, a giantess, 189, 271,
Hrim''-gerth-a-môl', the Ballad of Hrimgerth, 271,
Hrîm'-grim-nir, a giant, 118.
Hrim'-nir, a giant,
115, 228.
Hring, a warrior, 306, 307.
Ringsted, 293, 308.
Hring'-stoth, Ringsted (?), 293.
a Valkyrie, 99.
Hrîth, a river, 95, 237.
Hrô'-ar, brother
of Borghild (?), 334.
Hrolf (the Old), King of Gautland,
Hrol'-laug, a warrior, 319, 320.
Hrô'-mund, a warrior,
Hrô'-mund-ar Sag'-a Greips'-son-ar, the Saga of Hromund
Greipsion, 311, 331.
Hron, a river, 95, 237.
Othin, 25, 166, 393.
Hrôpt'-a-tÿr, Othin, 66,
Hrö'-rek, King of Denmark, 227.
Hross'-thjôf, son of
Hrimnir, 228.
Hrôth, a giant, 142.
Hrôth'-mar, lover of
Sigrlin, 275, 276, 278, 286.
Hrôth'-vit-nir, Fenrir, 100,
Hrot'-ti, a sword, 385.
Hrung'-nir, a giant, 125, 126,
143, 171, 172, 394.
Hrym, a giant, 21.
Hug'-in, a raven,
Hum'-lung, son of Hjorvarth, 272, 273.
Hund'-ing, enemy of
Sigmund, 269, 270, 273, 294, 295, 307, 309-311, 313, 315, 316, 326, 335,
336, 342, 343, 357, 358, 365, 368, 369.
Hund'-land, Hunding's kingdom,
294, 310, 311.
Hver'-gel-mir, a spring, 94.
Hveth'-na, mother of
Haki, 227.
Hym'-ir, a giant, 77, 138-150,
Hym''-is-kvith'-a, the Lay of Hymir, 21, 77, 116, 122, 138-152,
163, 170, 174, 179, 180, 182, 183, 391.
Hym'-ling, son of Hjorvarth,
Hynd'-la, a giantess, 217-220, 222, 231-233.
the Poem of Hyndla, 115, 132, 154, 167, 203, 217-233, 273, 292, 307, 314,
350, 427, 454, 457.
If'-ing, a river, 72, 131.
Im, son of Vafthruthnir, 70.
{p. 571}
Imth, a giant, 304.
Imth, mother of Heimdall,
Ing'-un, sister of Njorth (?), 165.
Ing'-un-ar = Freyr,
Freyr, 165.
In'-stein, father of Ottar, 220, 222,
Îr'-i, a dwarf, 247.
Îs'-Olf, son of Olmoth,
Îs'-ung, a warrior, 297.
Ith'-a-voll, meeting-place of the
gods, 5, 24.
Îth'-i, brother of Thjazi, 128.
follower of Hjorvarth, 273, 274.
Îth'-un, a goddess, 102, 113,
128, 152, 157, 158, 175.
Î'-vald-i, a dwarf, 101.
I'-var, King
of Sweden, 227.
Jafn'-hôr, Othin, 103, 104.
Jalk, Othin, 104,
Jar'-i, a dwarf, 7, 247.
Jar'-iz-leif, Atli's emissary,
456, 457.
Jar'-iz-skâr, Atli's emissary, 456, 457.
Jarl, son of
Rig, 212-215.
Jarn'-sax-a, a giantess, 125.
mother of Heimdall, 229.
Jof'-ur-rnar, son of Dag,
Jôn-ak, father of Hamther, 439, 447, 536, 538, 542, 546, 548,
550, 553.
Jor'-mun-rek, Ermanarich, 225, 226, 339, 407, 437, 439, 447,
451, 538-540, 546, 549, 551-554.
Jorth, Earth, 12, 23, 24, 123, 136,
170, 174, 175, 389.
Jôth, son of Jarl, 214.
Jot'-un-heim, the
world of the giants, 3, 5, 6, 21, 107, 111, 128, 179-181, 186.
Kâr'-a, daughter of Ha1fdan, 272, 310, 311, 314, 316, 330, 331,
Kâr'-i, ancestor of Ketil, 224.
Karl, son of Rig, 208,
Kâr''-u-1jôth', the Poem of Kara, 272, 311, 314, 315,
Kef'-sir, son of Thræll, 206.
Ker'-laug, a river,
Ket'-il Horth'-a = Kâr'-i, husband of Hildigun, 223,
Kîl'-i, a dwarf, 7.
Kjal'-ar, Othin, 104.
father of Olrun, 254-256, 485.
Kleg'-gi, son of Thræll,
Klûr, son of Thræll, 206.
Klypp, father of Ketil,
Knê'-fröth, Atli's messenger, 448, 482, 483, 502.
daughter of Ægir, 299.
Kon, son of Rig, 201, 209, 210, 214,
215, 236, 256, 306.
Kormt, a river, 96.
Kost'-ber-a, wife of
Hogni, 449, 500, 502-506, 510.
{p. 573}
Kumb'-a, daughter of Thræll, 207.
Kund, son of Jarl,
Læ'-gjarn, Loki, 245.
Læ'-rith, Yggdrasil,
Læv'-a-tein, a sword, 245.
Lauf'-ey, mother of
Loki, 9, 157, 168, 177-179.
Leg'-gjald-i, son of Thræll,
Leipt, a river, 95, 323.
Leir'-brim-ir, Ymir (?),
Lêtt'-fet-i, a horse, 96.
Lîf, mother of the new race,
Lîf-thras-ir, father of the new race, 80.
Lim'-a-fjord, a
fjord, 501, 510.
Lit, a dwarf, 7.
Ljôth'-a-tal, the List of
Charms, 28, 44, 60, 63, 236.
Lodd''-fâf-nir, a singer, 28, 52-59,
Lodd''-fâf-nis-môl', the Ballad of Loddfafnir, 28, 67, 387,
Lof'-ar, a dwarf, 7, 8.
Lofn'-heith, daughter of
Hreithmar, 363.
Log'-a-fjoll, a mountain, 294, 295, 316,
Lok''-a-sen'-na, Loki's Wrangling, 4, 16, 26, 102, 107, 130, 134,
139, 151-175, 177, 178, 180, 184, 196, 218, 228, 232, 236, 256, 306.
a god, 1, 8, 9, 11, 15-17, 21, 22, 25, 101, 102, 128, 130, 134, 146,
149-173, 175-179, 196, 198, 200, 228, 230-232, 245-247, 303, 357-362, 417,
Lôn'-i, a dwarf, 7.
Lopt, Loki, 154, 231,
Loth'-in, a giant, 282.
Lôth'-ur, Loki, 8, 9,
Lût, son of Thræll, 206.
Lyf'-ja-berg, a mountain, 248,
Lyng'-heith, daughter of Hreithmar, 363, 364.
Lyng'-vi, son
of Hunding, 336, 368, 369.
Lÿr, Mengloth's hall, 247.
Mag'-ni, son of Thor, 82, 125, 135.
Mân'-i, Moon, 74, 75,
Meil'-i, brother of Thor, 125.
Mêln'-ir, a horse,
Men'-gloth, beloved of Svipdag, 234-236, 238, 239, 241, 248-251,
350, 388, 441.
Men'-ja, a giantess, 436.
Mim (or Mim'-ir), a
water-spirit, 12, 13, 20, 61, 81, 242, 393, 394.
Yggdrasil, 242, 243.
Mîm'-ir, brother of Regin, 359.
a Valkyrie, 99, 305.
{p. 574}
Mith'-garth, the world of men, 3, 4, 92, 100, 101, 129, 186, 221,
Mith''-garths-orm', a serpent, 17, 21, 23, 24, 122, 139, 145,
146, 170, 196, 230.
Mith'-vit-nir, a giant, 104.
Thor's hammer, 82, 126, 149, 169-171, 174, 181.
Mjoth'-vit-nir, a
dwarf, 6, 7.
Mog, son of Jarl, 214.
Mog'-thras-ir, a giant
(?), 82.
Mô'-in, a serpent, 98.
Mô''-ins-heim'-ar, a
battlefield, 304, 322.
Morn'-a-land, an eastern country,
Môth'-i, son of Thor, 82, 148.
Môth'-ir, mother of
Jarl, 204, 210-212.
Môt'-sog-nir, a dwarf, 6.
father of Sol, 5, 74, 99.
Mun'-in, a raven, 92.
father of the fire-dwellers, 22, 165.
Mû'-spells-heim, home of the
fire-dwellers, 3, 21, 73, 100.
Mÿln'-ir, a horse,
Myrk'-heirn, Myrkwood (Atli's land), 498.
Myrk'-wood, a
forest in Atli's land, 476, 483, 484, 487, 498.
Myrk'-wood, a forest
in Hothbrodd's land, 306.
Myrk'-wood, a forest in Muspellsheim,
Myrk'-wood, a forest in Nithuth's land, 255, 256.
Nab'-bi, a dwarf, 220.
Nagl'-far, a ship, 21.
Nâin, a
dwarf, 6.
Nal, Laufey, 168.
Nâl'-i, a dwarf,
Nan'-na, daughter of Nokkvi, 224.
Nan'-na, wife of Baldr,
Nâr, a dwarf, 6.
Narf'-i, Nor, 75, 192.
son of Loki, 16, 167, 172, 173.
Nâ'-strond, Corpse-Strand,
Nep, father of Nanna, 91.
Ner'-i, a giant (?),
Nifl'-heirn, the world of the dead, 3, 94.
Nifl'-hel, land
of the dead, 80, 196.
Nifl'-ungs, the people of Gjuki (Nibelungs),
408, 447, 448, 486, 487, 489, 492, 493, 515, 517, 541.
Nîp'-ing, a
dwarf, 6.
Nith, son of Jarl, 214.
Nith'-a-fjoll, a
mountain, 16, 26, 27.
Nîth''-a-vel'-lir, home of the dwarfs, 3,
Nith'-hogg, a dragon, 17, 26, 27, 97-99.
Nith'-i, a
dwarf, 6.
Nith'-jung, son of Jarl, 214.
{p. 575}
Nith'-uth, king of the Njars, 253-255, 257-268.
Njâls'-sag-a, the
Saga of Njal, 399.
Njars, the people of Nithuth, 254, 257, 259, 265,
Njorth, a Wane, 9, 10, 78, 79, 90, 91, 101, 107, 108, 119, 120,
128, 152, 161-163, 165, 167, 175, 179, 180, 228.
Nô'-a-tûn, home of
Njorth, 90, 91, 108, 179, 180.
Nokk'-vi, father of Nanna,
Non, a river, 95.
Nor (or Norv'-i), father of Not, 75,
Nôr'-i, a dwarf, 6.
Norn''-a-gests-thâttr', the Story of
Nornagest, 336, 356, 364, 369, 442, 444, 445.
North'-ri, a dwarf,
Not, a river, 95.
Nôt, Night, 66, 75, 192,
Nÿ'-i, a dwarf, 6.
Nÿr, a dwarf, 7.
Nÿ'-râth, a
dwarf, 7.
Nyt, a river, 95.
Odd'-rûn, sister of Atli, 420, 438, 448, 449, 469-474, 476, 478,
Odd''-rûn-ar-grâtr', the Lament of Oddrun, 132, 420, 438, 447,
449, 450, 469-479, 483, 494, 522, 532.
Ofn'-ir, a serpent,
Ofn'-ir, Othin, 105.
Ô'-in, father of Andvari,
Ökk''-vin-kalf'-a, daughter of Thræll, 207.
Ô'-köl-nir, a
volcano (?), 16.
Ol'-môth, father of Isolf, 224.
Ol'-rûn, a
swan-maiden, 254-257, 485.
Ôm'-i, Othin, 104.
Ôn'-ar, a
dwarf, 6.
Ôr'-i, a dwarf, 8, 247.
Ork'-ning, brother of
Kostbera, 449, 509, 510, 517.
Ormt, a river, 96.
husband of Groa, 234.
Orv'-ar = Odd, a warrior, 225.
= Odds'-sag-a, the Saga of Orvar-Odd, 225.
Orv'-a-sund, a bay,
Ôsk'-i, Othin, 104.
Ô'-skôp-nir, an island,
Ôs'-olf, son of Olmoth, 224.
Ôth, husband of Freyja,
11, 12, 161, 220, 232.
Ôth'-in, chief of the gods, 1, 3, 4, 8-15,
19-26, 28, 32, 45, 48-53, 60-63, 66, 68-84, 86, 88, 89, 91, 92, 94, 97, 98,
101-106, 108, 114, 117, 121, 122, 125, 126, 129, 131, 133, 134, 136, 139-41,
145, 149, 151, 152, 155, 157-160, 166, 167, 170, 174, 179, 182, 185, 195-200,
202, 203, 213, 218, 219, 221, 226, 228-231, 236, 274, 293-295, 302, 308, 319,
323-327, 330, 332, 335, 339, 342,
{p. 576}
357-359, 361, 365; 366, 371, 372, 384, 390, 393-395, 416, 428, 445, 474, 483,
487, 493, 494, 553.
Oth'-lings, a mythical race, 221, 223,
Ôth'-rör-ir, a goblet, 51, 61.
Ôtr, brother of Regin,
358, 359, 362.
Ôt'-tar, a warrior, 217-227, 231-233.
Ræv'-il, a sea-king, 366.
Rag'-nar Loth'-brôk, a Danish
king, 366.
Rand'-grîth, a Valkyrie, 99.
Rand'-vêr, son of
Jormunrek, 439, 538, 551.
Rand'-vêr, son of Rathbarth,
Ran'-i, Othin, 236.
Rat'-a-tosk, a squirrel,
Râth'-barth, a Russian king, 227.
Râth'-grîth, a
Valkyrie, 99.
Râths'-ey, an island, 124.
Râth'-svith, a
dwarf, 7.
Rat'-i, a gimlet, 50.
Reg'-in, a dwarf, 7,
Reg'-in, son of Hreithmar, 7, 343, 356-359, 361-366, 369-372,
377-383, 403.
Reg'-in-leif, a Valkyrie, 99.
the Ballad of Regin, 7, 8, 114, 151, 270, 295, 308, 333, 336, 342, 343,
356-371, 376, 378, 384, 386, 387, 402, 411, 426, 428, 448, 450, 493,
Reif'-nir, a berserker, 225.
Rîg, Heimdall (?), 3,
201-204, 207, 208, 210-212, 215, 216.
Rîgs'-thul-a, the Song of Rig,
3, 90, 167, 183, 201-216, 230, 428, 484.
Rîn, a river, 95.
mother of Vali, 198, 236.
Rin'-nand-i, a river,
Rist'-il, daughter of Karl, 210.
Rith'-il, a sword,
Rog'-a-land, Norway, 281.
Rog'-heim, Home of Battle,
Rôn, wife of Ægir, 280, 300, 359.
Rosk'-va, sister
of Thjalfi, 141.
Roth'-uls-fjoll, a mountain,
Roth'-uls-voll, a field, 276.
Ruth, a river, 237.
Sæ'-far-i, father of Ulf, 222.
Sæ'-hrim-nir, a
boar, 92.
Sæk'-in, a river, 95.
father of Hildigun, 223.
Sæ'-morn, a river,
Sæ'-reith, wife of Hjorvarth, 272,
Sæ'-var-stath, an island, 261, 262.
Sâg'-a, a
goddess, 89, 302.
Sal'-gof-nir, a cock, 329.
Sâms'-ey, an
island, 160.
Sann'-get-al, Othin, 105.
Sath, Othin,
{p. 577}
Sax'-i, a southern king, 467.
Segg, son of Karl,
Sess'-rym-nir, Freyja's hall, 91, 175.
Sigrun's home, 319, 323, 325, 327-329.
Sif, Thor's wife, 88,
101, 134, 140, 143, 148, 151, 157, 168, 180, 184.
Sig'-ar, a Danish
king, 293.
Sig'-ar, brother of Hogni, 312, 313.
father of Siggeir, 455.
Sig'-ar, Helgi's messenger, 287,
Sig'-ars-holm, an island, 277.
Sig'-ars-voll, a
battlefield, 277, 287, 293.
Sig'-fath-er, Othin, 23, 103, 104,
Sig'-geir, husband of Signy, 302, 303, 332, 455.
son of Sigurth, 407, 424, 428, 429, 456, 460.
Sig'-mund, son of
Volsung, 218, 219, 226, 270, 276, 290-295, 301, 302, 307, 310, 311, 315,
317, 318, 330-336, 341, 364-366, 368, 369, 373, 374, 388, 389, 432,
Sig'-nÿ, sister of Sigmund, 270, 290, 293, 302, 332, 333,
Sigr'-drif-a, Brynhild, 296, 384-386, 388, 390, 391,
Sigr''-drif-u-môl', the Ballad of the Victory-Bringer, 4,
99, 100, 119, 151, 293, 339, 344, 356, 357, 370, 381, 384-403, 411, 442, 444,
445, 450, 470, 472.
Sigr'-lin, wife of Hjorvarth, 271-276,
Sig'-rûn, wife of Helgi, 14, 269, 270, 289, 296, 299, 300, 306,
307, 309-316, 318-320, 323, 325-330, 339, 345.
Sig'-trygg, a king,
Sig'-tÿr, Othin, 494.
Sig'-urth, son of Sigmund, 8,
226, 234, 260, 269, 270, 273, 277, 293, 295, 296, 303, 308, 333, 335-359,
361-380, 382-389, 391, 395, 396, 400, 402-407, 409-412, 414-433, 435, 437,
439-442, 445-448, 450-457, 460, 465, 469, 475, 476, 481, 484, 490, 493, 513,
518, 523, 532-534, 536-544, 546 548.
Sig''-urth-a-kvith'-a en Skam'-ma,
the Short Lay of Sigurth, 93, 241, 308, 407, 410, 416-441, 443, 448-450,
453, 459, 470, 475, 488, 493, 534, 538, 539, 543, 547.
Sig'-urth Ring, son
of Randver, 227.
Sig'-yn, wife of Loki, 16, 167, 172,
Silf'-rin-topp, a horse, 96.
Sind'-ri, a dwarf,
Sin'-flot-li, son of Sigmund, 270, 290, 293, 300-304, 307, 309,
318, 321, 322, 332-335
{p. 578}
Sin'-ir, a horse, 96.
Sin'-mor-a, a giantess, 243,
Sin'-rjôth, wife of Hjorvarth, 272, 273.
Sith, a
river, 95.
Sith'-gran-i, Othin, 185.
Sith'-hott, Othin,
Sith'-skegg, Othin, 103.
Skâf'-ith, a dwarf,
Skâld''-skap-ar-mâl, the Treatise on Poetics, 189, 192, 221, 274,
359, 370, 538, 547.
Skat'-a-lund, a forest, 445.
Skath'-i, a
goddess, 90, 108, 128, 152, 157, 167, 168, 172, 180, 228.
a Valkyrie, 99.
Skeith'-brim-ir, a horse, 96.
father of Skurhild, 224.
Skelf'-ir, a king, 221.
Othin, 105, 221.
Skilf'-ings, descendants of Skelfir, 221,
Skin'-fax-i, a horse, 71, 96.
Skirf'-ir, a dwarf,
Skirn'-ir, Freyr's servant, 107-115, 119, 120,
Skirn''-is-môl', the Ballad of Skirnir, 21, 22, 78, 86,
88, 101, 107-121, 126, 149, 152, 162, 163, 165, 174, 175, 193, 218, 228, 282,
Skîth'-blath-nir, a ship, 101, 102.
Skjold, a Danish
king, 221.
Skjöld''-ung-a-sag'-a, the Saga of the Skjoldungs,
Skjold'-ungs, descendants of Skjold, 221-223.
Skog'-ul, a
Valkyrie, 14, 99.
Skoll, a wolf, 18, 81, 93,
Skor'-u-strond, home of Varin, 281.
Skrÿm'-ir, a giant,
122, 130, 170, 171.
Skuld, a Norn, 9.
Skuld, a Valkyrie,
Skûr'-hild, daughter of Skekkil, 224.
Slag'-fith, brother of
Völund, 254-257.
Sleip'-nir, Othin's horse, 97, 102, 126, 160,
196, 230, 342, 394.
Slîth, a river, 16, 95.
Smith, son of
Karl, 209.
Snæ'-fjoll, a mountain, 293.
son of Hogni, 449, 487, 509, 517.
Snör, wife of Karl, 209.
daughter of Karl, 210.
Sogn, a bay, 305.
a cape, 302.
Sökk'-mîm-ir, a giant, 104.
Saga's dwelling, 88, 89.
Sôl, Sun, 74, 75, 79.
son of Hogni, 449, 487, 509, 517.
Sôl'-bjart, father of
Svipdag, 250.
Sôl'-blind-i, a dwarf, 241.
{p. 579}
Sô1'-fjoll, a mountain, 293.
Sôl'-heim-ar, Hothbrodd's home,
Sorl'-i, son of Jonak, 361, 439, 536, 538, 540, 545, 546,
548-550, 552-555.
Spar'-ins-heith, Sparin's Heath,
Spor'-vit-nir, a horse, 306.
Sprak'-ki, daughter of
Karl, 210.
Sprund, daughter of Karl, 210.
Stafns'-nes, a
cape, 298.
Stark'-ath, son of Granmar. 316, 319,
Stor'-verk, father of Starkath, 320.
Strond, a river,
Styr'-kleif-ar, a battlefield, 319, 320.
Sun, son of
Jarl, 214.
Surt, a giant, 18, 20-22, 73, 82, 110, 165, 245,
Suth'-ri, a dwarf, 6.
Sut'-tung, a giant, 37, 50-52,
117, 187, 193.
Svaf'-nir, a king, 273-275, 278.
Svaf'-nir, a
serpent, 98.
Svaf'-nir, Othin, 105.
Mengloth's grandfather, 241.
Sval'-in, a shield, 100,
Svan, father of Sæfari, 222.
Svan'-hild, daughter of
Sigurth, 226, 339, 407, 437, 439, 447, 448, 537, 538, 540-542, 546,
Svan'-ni, daughter of Karl, 210.
Svâr'-ang, a giant,
Svar'-in, a hill, 300, 316, 317.
Svar'-ri, daughter of
Karl, 210.
Svart''-alf-a-heim', the world of the dark elves, 3,
Svart'-hofth-i, a magician, 229.
Svath''-il-far'-i, a
stallion, 102, 159, 160, 196, 230.
Svâv'-a, daughter of Eylimi,
14, 270, 271, 276-278, 282, 284, 285, 287-289, 311, 313, 335, 339,
Svâv'-a, wife of Sækonung, 223.
Svâv'-a-land, Svatnir's
country, 273, 275, 276, 278.
Svegg'-juth, a horse, 304,
Svein, son of Jarl, 214.
Sver''-ris-sag'-a, the Saga of
Sverrir, 370.
Svip'-al, Othin, 103.
Svip'-dag, son of
Solbjart, 234, 236, 238-250.
Svip''-dags-môl', the Ballad of
Svipdag, 60, 81, 154, 234-251, 350, 388, 441, 472.
Svip'-uth, a
horse, 304, 305.
Svith'-rir, Othin, 104.
Othin, 104.
Svî'-ur, a dwarf, 7.
Svol, a river,
Svôs'-uth, father of Summer, 75.
Sylg, a river,
{p. 580}
Thakk'-râth, Nithuth's thrall, 268.
Thegn, son of Karl,
Thekk, a dwarf, 7.
Thekk, Othin, 103.
Thîr, wife
of Thræll, 206.
Thith''-reks-sag'-a, the Saga of Theoderich, 252,
254, 262, 265, 267, 268, 359, 410, 426, 530.
Thjalf'-i, Thor's
servant, 126, 127, 133, 141, 149.
Thjaz'-i, a giant, 89, 90, 129,
152, 167, 168, 175, 229.
Thjôth'-mar, father of Thjothrek, 466,
Thjôth'-num-a, a river, 95.
Thjôth'-rek, Theoderich,
451, 465-467, 517.
Thjôth'-rör-ir, a dwarf, 66.
Mengloth's handmaid, 248.
Thjôth'-vit-nir, Skoll, 93.
a river, 95.
Tholl'-ey, an island, 282.
Thôr, a god,
12, 23, 24, 82, 83, 88, 93, 94, 96, 121-149, 151, 152, 168-171, 174, 176,
178-180, 182-193, 219, 228, 234, 303, 394.
Thôr'-a, daughter of Hokon,
419, 454, 455.
Thôr'-a, wife of Dag, 222, 454.
Thôr'-in, a
dwarf, 7.
Thôr'-ir, follower of Hrolf, 224.
Thôrs'-nes, a
cape, 303.
Thræll, son of Rig, 205, 206.
Thrâin, a
dwarf, 7.
Thrith'-i, Othin, 103.
Thrôr, a dwarf,
Thrôr, Othin, 104.
Thrûth, a Valkyrie, 99.
daughter of Thor, 184
Thrûth'-gel-mir, a giant, 76,
Thrûth'-heim, Thor's home, 88.
Thrym, a giant, 174, 176,
177, 179-182.
Thrym'-gjol, a gate, 241.
Thrym'-heim, Thjazi's
home, 89, 90.
Thryms'-kvith-a, the Lay of Thrym, 12, 82, 107, 122,
128, 129, 143, 159, 166, 169, 174-183, 185, 195, 210, 252, 274, 471.
a river, 93.
Thund, Othin, 63, 105.
Thuth, Othin,
Thyn, a river, 95.
Tind, a berserker,
Tot''-rug-hyp'-ja, daughter of Thræll, 207.
daughter of Thræll, 207.
Tron'-u-eyr, Crane-Strand,
Tveg'-gi, Othin, 25.
Tÿr, a god, 18, 140-143, 147-149,
152, 163, 164, 228, 391.
Tyrf'-ing, a berserker, 225.
{p. 581}
Ulf, follower of Hrolf, 224.
Ulf, son of Sefari,
Ulf'-dal-ir, Völund's home, 254, 255, 257, 259.
mother of Heimdall, 229.
Ulf'-sjâr, a lake, 254, 255.
a god, 88, 100, 228, 494.
Un''-a-vâg'-ar, a harbor,
Un'-i, a dwarf, 247.
Urth, a Norn, 9, 52, 96, 236,
Ût'-garth-a = Lok'-i, a giant, 122, 130.
Uth, daughter
of Ægir, 323, 466.
Uth, Othin, 103.
Vaf'-thrûth-nir, a giant, 68-83.
the Ballad of Vafthruthnir, 4, 5, 21, 68-84, 99, 100, 115, 116, 131, 141,
149, 152, 174, 183, 192, 242, 247, 360, 368, 375, 376, 378.
Othin, 105.
Vâl'-a-skjolf, Othin's home, 88.
Grimhild's land, 461.
Vald'-ar, a Danish king, 456,
Val'-fath-er, Othin, 3, 12, 104.
Val'-grind, a gate,
Val'-hall, Othin's hall, 3, 14, 15, 25, 79, 88, 89, 92-94, 218,
220, 232, 325, 326, 441, 474, 480, 483.
Vâl'-i, a god, 15, 82, 198, 227, 228,
Vâl'-i, son of Loki, 16, 167, 172, 173.
Slaughter-Land, 129, 136, 254, 255, 443.
Val'-tam, father of
Vegtam, 197.
Vam, a river, 165.
Van'-a-heim, home of the
Wanes, 3, 187.
Vand'-ils-vê, a shrine, 324.
Van'-ir, the
Wanes, 1, 10.
Var, a dwarf, 247.
Var'-in, a Norwegian king
(?), 281, 302.
Var'-ins-fjord, a bay, 298, 299.
father of Findkald, 240.
Vath'-gel-mir, a river, 360.
brother of Othin, 4, 26, 160.
Veg'-dras-il, a dwarf,
Veg'-svin, a river, 95.
Veg'-tam, Othin, 195, 197,
Veg''-tams-kvith'-a, the Lay of Vegtam, 195.
the Saga of Velent, 252.
Ver'-a-tÿr, Othin, 87,
Ver'-land, Land of Men, 136.
Verth'-and-i, a Norn,
Vestr'-i, a dwarf, 6.
Vestr'-sal-ir, Rind's home,
Vethr'-fol-nir, a hawk, 97.
Vê'-ur, Thor, 142, 144,
Vif, daughter of Karl, 210.
{p. 582}
Vîg'-blær, Helgi's horse, 325.
Battle-Dale, 324, 325.
Vigg, a dwarf, 7.
Vig'-rîth, a
field, 73, 376.
Vil'-i, brother of Othin, 4, 26,
Vil'-meith, a dwarf (?), 229.
Vil'-mund, lover of
Borgny, 469-472.
Vin, a river, 95.
Vin'-bjorg, Grimbild's
land, 461.
Vind'-alf, a dwarf, 7.
Vind'-heim, Wind-Home,
25, 26.
Vind'-kald, Svipdag, 240.
Vind'-ljôn-i, Vindsval,
Vind'-sval, father of Winter, 75.
Ving'-i, Atli's
messenger, 448, 482, 501, 502, 510, 512-514, 517.
Ving'-nir, Thor,
82, 135, 174.
Ving'-skorn-ir, a horse, 384.
Thor, 135, 174, 185, 186.
Vin'-ô, a river,
Virf'-ir, a dwarf, 8.
Vit, a dwarf, 7.
Vith, a
river, 95.
Vith'-ar, a god, 23, 82, 93, 91, 152, 155, 156, 164,
170, 228.
Vith'-ga, son of Völund, 268.
Vith'-i, Vithar's
land, 91.
Vith'-of-nir, a cock, 243, 245, 246.
Vith'-olf, a
dwarf (?), 229.
Vith'-rir, Othin, 160, 295.
Othin, 104.
Vôf'-uth, Othin, 105.
father of Sigmund, 218, 219, 226, 270, 293, 302, 307, 310, 332-334, 366,
Vols''-ung-a-sag'-a, the Saga of the Volsungs, 218, 226, 270,
276, 297, 299, 301, 332-334, 336, 340, 342, 345, 349, 350, 352, 353, 356, 361,
365, 366, 368, 370, 371, 373, 375, 377-379, 381, 383, 386, 391, 395, 396, 399,
400, 402, 403, 405, 407, 410-412, 418, 419, 425, 427, 433, 438, 440, 448, 450,
453, 455-458, 465, 469, 477, 478, 480, 486; 487, 500, 506, 508, 512-514,
518-522, 525-530, 532, 534, 537, 538, 543, 549, 550, 553, 554.
descendants of Volsung, 269-272, 290-292, 306-311, 318, 319, 332, 333,
339, 421, 422, 425, 428.
Vö1'-und, a smith, 252-262, 24 268,
Vö1''-und-ar-kvith'-a, the Lay of Völund, 129, 252-268,
296, 303, 319, 437, 443, 444, 471, 485, 493, 527.
Vol''-u-spô', the
Wise-Woman's Prophecy, 1-28, 52, 61, 62, 68, 69, 73-75, 77, 78, 80-83,
89-91, 93, 95-97, 99-102,
{p. 583}
108, 110, 112-115, 129, 136, 140, 145, 146, 152, 154, 156, 160-164, 166, 170,
172-174, 176, 178, 179, 186, 188, 195, 196, 198, 200, 203, 217, 218, 220, 223,
227-232, 236, 242, 243, 245, 247, 254, 276, 291, 293, 296, 314, 319, 359, 360,
375, 393, 394, 416, 444, 508, 542.
Vôn, a river, 95.
a river, 95.
Vôr, a goddess, 181.
Y'-dal-ir, Ull's home, 88.
Ygg, Othin, 70, 105, 140,
Ygg'-dras-il, the world-ash, 1, 3, 4, 9, 12, 17, 20, 27, 60, 62,
81, 94, 96-98, 102, 242, 243.
Ylf'-ings, a Danish race, 221, 291, 292,
301, 305, 307, 311, 313-315, 329.
Ylg, a river, 95.
Ym'-ir, a
giant, 4, 6, 17, 74, 76, 77, 100, 229, 242.
Yng (or Yng'-vi), son of
Halfdan the Old, 221, 307, 308, 364, 365.
Yng''-ling-a-sag'-a, the
Saga of the Ynglings, 160, 163.
Yng'-lings, descendants of Yng,
221, 223, 307.
Yng'-vi, a dwarf, 8.
Yng'-vi, son of Hring,
Yng'-vi, Ynq, 221, 307, 308, 364, 365.
Ys'-ja, daughter of
Thræll, 207.